Thursday 12 December 2013

Here we go again....

      Its been awhile since I blogged about the family and other things. I do have a super awesome excuse though..... I was HACKED my email, and blogger accounts were both hacked and Google froze everything. So frustrating. I still have all my posts but can no longer post on those accounts. So I decided to start a new amazing blog. I hope to blog about all the crazy that goes on here in this household and such.

      I am super excited that its the holiday season and I hope to share with you some greatness that we have going on. From our first family Christmas that we are spending with just our little family. We are hoping to start some new crazy traditions and continue some of each of our old ones. We each have fond memories of certain things to do with the holidays and we want to start them with our own family. We are sad that we will miss the huge family togetherness but it is time to start our own adventure when it comes to the Christmas season. I cant wait to write all about our own N&B WERDAL Traditions.

     I am also super excited to share our lives and the awesomeness that is our super busy lives. I love to write and I am excited to start blog writing again and maybe that will lead my creativity to start a novel eventually.

     My bucket list has sorta slowed to a stop and I am hoping I can cross for off in 2014 and even more before I am 30....WOW did I just say that?Sooo close just gave me heart palpitations. I know I am still young but I just realized how close to 30 I am! and yes to my older friends I can totally hear you laughing at me.

      My next post about the traditions is calling and I should maybe get dinner on............

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