Thursday 19 December 2013

Christmas is coming......

     This is probably the first year that I am not stressed about Christmas. We are so blessed to be able to not stress about money this year. For that I am thankful. Not participating in any huge family gatherings I am not stressed about gifts, pot luck items, stocking stuffers, white elephant exchanges or ANYTHING.

    Like I said in a post above, we are taking this year to our own little family. This has cut down so many stresses but we still have Christmas to prepare for. I am so happy that all we have to do is take the kids shopping for each other and the we are done!! I even have most of my gifts wrapped by an amazing angel.

     This week was super busy with a day at piano, last art class, card deliveries, and class parties. This weekend I came across a Pintrest idea I HAD to make for the kids' parties. Tuesday afternoon I made my way to Walmart KIDLESS (thanks to a hubby who was sick and working from home) I took my time picking out fruit and getting things for next weeks dinners, got to te till and was in line at the slowest cashier and a lady who had about $1000 worth of stuff. Instead of getting frustrated I took the time to check out a few emails that I had neglected and sent a few I had been meaning to send.

     Finally I got through the check out and the cashier asked for $150.... I was shocked, all I had bought was fruit and a few packages of meat. Shell shocked I got to the van unloaded the food and looked at the receipt. Now meat I get isn't cheap and I did buy a few things it added up to $50. It was the FRUIT that cost me $100. My brilliant idea cost more that 3 pre cut fruit platters from Sobeys. it could have been no mess, no fuss and NO STRESS but no. No I had to be THAT mom, the Mom that came with the amazing dish, structure or idea. After putting all the food away and forgetting about the cost I got to making my brilliant idea. Wednesday morning I had my coffee, cut the cantaloupe and honeydew, washed the grapes and got everything prepared to put this thing together. Well it flopped and I mean FLOPPED, it was my first fail at attempting something from a blog, it was lopsided and looked horrible.

     Luckily I had a friend here and I couldn't break down and cry and sob that my brilliant plan didn't work so I took a deep breath and pulled all the things off the tooth picks, put the fruit in a bowl and called it done. I dropped it off at C's class and he was thrilled I brought something, the teacher was thrilled that I brought fruit. Out of 19 kids in his class I was the only parent to bring fruit and not something sweet. I didn't have to go all out, I didn't need to stress about being "Perfect" just the effort alone was enough. C came home last night and not one piece of fruit was left, but the bowl was full of the sweets his classmates had brought. Now nothing against those moms. (My kid and myself were very happy to eat those sweets) I am saying that I was thrilled that my little effort of cutting up fruit was ENOUGH, I was ENOUGH and that makes my heart soar in itself.

     Knowing that I can stress less about the week, I have two more fruit trays to make with my $100 fruit but that is it, not going overboard, no many hours spent. Just a fruit tray is ENOUGH!!!

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